Friday, 5 June 2009

One day at a time

One day when too many people in my office came up to me to tell how angry they were feeling, it set me thinking about growing frustrations and dissatisfactions in our everyday lives. Most of those who were complaining were young, talented, intelligent people with much to look forward to. I tried to remember if I used to be as impatient and short tempered when I started off as a young professional, and could not recall it (Forgetfulness has its own advantages)

While talking over this matter with my hubby over a cup of tea in the evening, I realized that there was not much that we both could understand about it. I guess, it has a lot to do with age, coz as you grow older you realize that there is no way one can speed things up. Neither is there any way one can change another individual, be it a perverse boss or an irritating colleague, unreasonable spouse or demanding child. One tends to learn with age that there has been no invention so far that could stop family emergencies from cropping up at the most inconvenient moments, no pill to keep bad hair days at bay and finally no magical diet to make you svelte while boosting your energy and taking your creativity to new heights.

But then, a lot of it has to do with our attitude, our expectations from others and ourselves and our ability to handle failure, disappointments and heartbreaks. I would go on to suggest that the extent of our belief in an unfair God or destiny can be a measure of our dissatisfaction.

So, as I struggle to lead a fruitful life while evolving into a better and positive person, I try to count my blessings every morning. Sure enough, most days I feel pretty fortunate and grateful for all I have. I must admit that there are still long spells of depression when I wake up in despair and wash my face every time I go to bathroom because I don’t want anyone else to know that I have been crying.

While still trying to figure out the way to eternal bliss, I must say that taking one day at a time goes a long way in keeping anxieties at bay. Believing in a benign fatherly god, and trusting that there is a reason behind everything that happens, does help in maintaining right perspective.