Sunday, 21 December 2008


I was looking for a recipe for brownies when I came across these lines that I had written some 10 years ago. As I read them, I laughed and then I cried; laughed because I was reminded what it is like to be 25 again and cried because I could feel the pain and confusion all over again that I would have felt when I wrote these lines.

This poem is part of- Angels Vs Demons- An anthology by Destiny to Write Publications. Free copy of the ebook can be downloaded by visiting the below link

Segmented lives
story line of a new movie
badly edited
one thing does not lead to another
only to confusion...
...and fear
broken images stare back
from the fragmented mirror
as I gasp for air
living a hundred lives
I had my own sky
for a moment
price is rest of my life
but I lived
I was alive if only for a moment
the putrid smell of sadness and wisdom
emanates from what was alive once.

Laughter, bloating numbness,
and pain, rising alternatively.
blow was heavy and swift,
still stinging into my skin
making the sting of successive
blows insignificant
I am no longer myself
what I am afraid of is that
someday I will rise again
and be myself again


  1. Well, i am 21
    and still can relate with these lines somehow.
    There is a depth in these lines which show they they were not just plain lines but a moment.
    A moment cherished and preserved for so long.

  2. The pain really comes through and brings tears to the eyes of someone who is sensitive enough. Wonderfully, wonderfully well written!
